Precisely this is going to be the most candid topic I have ever laid my hands on. I don't believe in making the fool out of people rather I would simply like to focus on the rich and diversified resource of drama ,stupidity and a bindaas mock show that we have been offered as a daily supplement. But before I add up to the list of my fellow countrymen who have loathed and verbally thrashed each of these "Neta"s for demanding their hike in their salary ..I on the contradictory would like to oppose them and will express my remorse and grief to the insensitiveness of the decision for not granting the salary of Rs 80,001 /-.
You know in the superhero movies I always wondered why a single superhero has to take the burden all along...why not someone also stands up..i mean if a film has two superheroes for the savior of the common people then it's a bonus. Well as for now my film fantasy has hit reality. I take immense pride in crowning the two superheroes of our times Mr. Lalu Prasad Yadav and Mr. Mulayam Singh Yadav. Well they can't fly or have any of special abilities neither they have the ability to flaunt a red underwear above their costumes still they rise from the ordinary masses..they "serve" our country!!!Ahem Ahem....they are the men of" pride,dignity and honor". And with the striking dissimilarity in the salary between them and the government official representatives (while some sources claim that they are insulted because their immense salary difference between them and US senators) all our respectable MP s have been suffering long from a irreparable physical and mental trauma which is the sole cause of hindrance in "serving" our country in "better" ways. But if you are an Indian you must not worry about these drawbacks because our superhero Yadav Brothers are always out there even before the country seeks them. From the "glorious and rightful" demand of 50% of reservation for women to the recent 300% hike in the MP salary Yadav duo's have proved their worth in every key decision of our country. It is inhuman to even think for a fraction of a second how the mighty hearted modern day hero Mr Lalu Prasad in just Rs 16000/- manages to feed his 9 children and such a fluffy flesh bagged round shaped Ravri Devi and all the cows that the country have gifted to him without proper evidences.
"Let there be FLOODS,let Poor People Die,
Then the NETAS will come with RELIEF WORKS and make their PIE"

Where the Aam Aadmi cannot eat a square Meal a day
The Fatso Sharad Pawar can THROW Foodgrains a TON A DAY;
The Aam Janta cannot get more than 5% in his SALARY hiked
The NETA can now assure himself of more than 300% hoiked

The "humble" NETA can have his wife FLY n number of times
While the poor Man on the streets can catch the Bus/train if he finds
The "poor Netas" require "More and More ALLOWANCES"
While the TAX-PAYER is burdened with "More and More DISALLOWANCES"
After-all the "poor Netas" are scorned by the LAW MAKERS in the US
That Indian Netas do not get as much as their counterparts in US
So Pass a LAW to ENRICH the NETAS
After all they DO NOT MAKE Enough on their HAFTAS...

Well I will pen this blog end by a line close to my heart." I don't care what will happen to this country...I care for the fact if it does not always run like this"....Jai Hind!!!!
Nah... tor criticality is unique... I really like ur posts...