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Thursday, June 30, 2011

"And They Lived Happily Ever After........"

This is THE POST. The post which i am waiting to write for so long. This is my first ever venture into the sagas of queen and knights. In short today i present you with my version of LOVE STORY.....

But why a love story? The reason is simple enough. Love it or hate it..u will read it. Simply u can't ignore it. Neither me. That is the sole reason why after reading so many love stories i decided why not try a hand at it. Candid romantic yet simple tales are quite missing now a days . Most of the 90 rupees books can bore you to death. They come up with the most intelligent titles [" the 1st kiss in the rain" and blah blah ] with most rotten stories. I don't blame the authors also because most of them are ex IITians  or passed from an reputed B School. If you are an ex IITian and now you want to earn your living by writing those stories then its quite evident on how much booze or grass u have inhaled in your grad years.

CONTROL!!!!!!!!.... I am not gonna pester on them for now. Right now i am going to write a love story. A love story where the boy meets her girl...birds chirp....background music coming from somewhere [ may be from music director's room...never mind] and where the end is for good and they lived happily ever after. Yes..I know u can feel it now. Because we all are inherently romantic. It is the same reason why any boy before texting a girl or saying " hi" thinks twice and any girl thinks thrice before replying appropriately.

Ok ..enough side talks. Let me start from the very start. There is a boy named Tom. There is a girl named Jerrey.. Someday they meet and instantly fell in love. Love blossomed and they decided that they should live together. Now living together do mean a lot of things. It requires accepting each other...understanding each other..not only good things but also bad things. Yes u can feel i am being I am pretending to be the Love Guru...I am not a Love Guru but I do consider myself an expert in judging these matters right. For the record I consider u too of having the same expertise. After hearing, gossiping and visualizing a lot of your friend's love stories and the love birds here and there if you still pretend to be the immature fellow with an innocent look in his face then get a life. We all know everything. There nothing to be modest.about.

Hold on. Since you know everything now i am going to ask u about the thought that kicked me to write this piece.... "Can "they" live happily ever after ? " Here goes my answer. They simply can't. People in love will frown "WHY???" Because they are"THEY".  U can live happily. I can. But "They" can't and definitely not when we are considering the huge and vast domain of "EVER AFTER".

WHAT THE HELL??? I am supposed to write a love story. And just as every writer before commencing their act thinks of creating a masterpiece..i too thought of creating a Love Saga where there would be true LOVE....where my Tom would create something to be honored as the 9th Wonder of the World. or where my Jerrey would cry for Tom just as Madhubala did in Mughle Azam. Forget the classics..mine is far worse than love stories of Dino Morea or Bobby Deol [ atleast they have hot heroines and item dances in those films] . Ok . Finally here it is. My dashing hero Tom fell in love with beautiful Jerry and they lived.................    Nah never mind  ;-)


Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The Last Page in My Notebook

"I miss U " ..... 
                    Do I ? Do  I really? I hardly call u . I sometimes text u . Sometimes we chat.In case we meet up in college I say u "hi/hello and hey how r u ? " kind of stuffs . In all the times of my life u r just a part of my "sometime" . So why do i miss u ?

The steps that we climbed together...pranks that we played on each other and mostly the exams that we cheated together...u remember them all ..Don't u ?? Same here buddy... U also know the girl in whose presence i felt so out of place..bewildered and totally a pappu types...but you know what miss out of all this? Not the girl ..not the semester exams [ p.s: i m glad its finally case there's a 9th semester i would be screwed totally]   but its my part in those memories ...i will miss the most. I will definitely not miss the girl who found me so dumb all the time but i will miss my dumbness which is bound to occur before that girl every time. In intelligent i am or stupid, witty in presence of u...precisely what i  reflect on your eyes...i will miss that most.

U know..when i was a small kid..what i hated most...that is when my notebook ends....when i have filled up the last page of my notebook with my dicey twirling..twisting..dancing handwriting...I knew that i can again read it back...i can keep it to myself as long as i can...but u know...... i can't write it once again...Its over. So if you ask me now if i remember every pages of my notebook or if u say do u miss every pages of notebook i can't say yes. Because i can't remember them all. All that I remember .....yes I had a notebook...i had colors and inks to fill with it...and it's just over now. I miss it because i can't write it once again.

Did i miss out in saying something...............

                                          P.S: I Love My Notebook ..........
