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Sunday, August 29, 2010
A sip of "Veritaserum"
2007...the year from where it all started. U know even before writing this article i have raked each and every shelf of my mind for proper words...words so strong enough that can you give an idea about the mess i am living in. Things within my mind is just speeding across from one alignment to other seeking just a single direction to set themselves free. This is not just a simple piece. For once and for all I am going to set myself free without giving proper specifications.
Taking pride in something is worthy if u really deserve it else the whole process of glorification fires right back at you. Well if anyone is wandering about any design of English literature that prompted me to start this blog with a piece of year i must clarify i have tried all the means and forms to get a proper heading but all the imported and exported suggestions just failed miserably. I have been an ardent listener through all my mnemonic life but for the time being i think i can properly advise you on 1 thing and that is do follow your sub-conscious. Because deep down every one of us is concerned about every little minute things around us. If it is good we are glad to accept it and if possible we boast of it. But what if the things turn the other way ? Well till then we r too glad to accept it. We continue to limp along the same line,we continue to nurture the same old root that has died it's premature death but still watering it for the hope that it is going to bear fruits again. The mockery of human and our fatal relationships are even if we know the treacherous end we love to designate it as "hope". In that way the futile Lilliput like us can take the pride of being "optimistic". If you are considering me now as a "negative minded dark creature" fellow it is your choice solely but you better consider the definition of "optimism" before that. Optimism is the way of believing in yourself,infusing something virtual credibility into you when you need to brace off the negativities. But optimism must not be cooked with "virtual reality". Real life is hard so we sometimes need to slow down. We fantasize. Even if it is just for few seconds we need to get off the train called "life". But if you embrace the virtual reality for too long gradually the real version will get abstract for you and then just like what I am feeling right now you will realize how much you miss the sweet little thing called "life".
Saturday, August 21, 2010
India Shining !!!
Precisely this is going to be the most candid topic I have ever laid my hands on. I don't believe in making the fool out of people rather I would simply like to focus on the rich and diversified resource of drama ,stupidity and a bindaas mock show that we have been offered as a daily supplement. But before I add up to the list of my fellow countrymen who have loathed and verbally thrashed each of these "Neta"s for demanding their hike in their salary ..I on the contradictory would like to oppose them and will express my remorse and grief to the insensitiveness of the decision for not granting the salary of Rs 80,001 /-.
You know in the superhero movies I always wondered why a single superhero has to take the burden all along...why not someone also stands up..i mean if a film has two superheroes for the savior of the common people then it's a bonus. Well as for now my film fantasy has hit reality. I take immense pride in crowning the two superheroes of our times Mr. Lalu Prasad Yadav and Mr. Mulayam Singh Yadav. Well they can't fly or have any of special abilities neither they have the ability to flaunt a red underwear above their costumes still they rise from the ordinary masses..they "serve" our country!!!Ahem Ahem....they are the men of" pride,dignity and honor". And with the striking dissimilarity in the salary between them and the government official representatives (while some sources claim that they are insulted because their immense salary difference between them and US senators) all our respectable MP s have been suffering long from a irreparable physical and mental trauma which is the sole cause of hindrance in "serving" our country in "better" ways. But if you are an Indian you must not worry about these drawbacks because our superhero Yadav Brothers are always out there even before the country seeks them. From the "glorious and rightful" demand of 50% of reservation for women to the recent 300% hike in the MP salary Yadav duo's have proved their worth in every key decision of our country. It is inhuman to even think for a fraction of a second how the mighty hearted modern day hero Mr Lalu Prasad in just Rs 16000/- manages to feed his 9 children and such a fluffy flesh bagged round shaped Ravri Devi and all the cows that the country have gifted to him without proper evidences.
"Let there be FLOODS,let Poor People Die,
Then the NETAS will come with RELIEF WORKS and make their PIE"

Where the Aam Aadmi cannot eat a square Meal a day
The Fatso Sharad Pawar can THROW Foodgrains a TON A DAY;
The Aam Janta cannot get more than 5% in his SALARY hiked
The NETA can now assure himself of more than 300% hoiked

The "humble" NETA can have his wife FLY n number of times
While the poor Man on the streets can catch the Bus/train if he finds
The "poor Netas" require "More and More ALLOWANCES"
While the TAX-PAYER is burdened with "More and More DISALLOWANCES"
After-all the "poor Netas" are scorned by the LAW MAKERS in the US
That Indian Netas do not get as much as their counterparts in US
So Pass a LAW to ENRICH the NETAS
After all they DO NOT MAKE Enough on their HAFTAS...

Well I will pen this blog end by a line close to my heart." I don't care what will happen to this country...I care for the fact if it does not always run like this"....Jai Hind!!!!
Friday, August 20, 2010
In Search for Terabithia...
Have you ever lived in your world of fantasy? If not then my friend this post is surely not for you. It is something that is up for tasting..err not for treat to saliva but as a treat for a more curious thing called mind. Fantasy is so beautiful know why?? The reason is it has actually got no definitions. It is different for me for u ..for everyone. It's just a primary key although i don't think corporate guys have the power/tools to implement in the database.
It's something new but stil it has been always there. It's been always there in our mind embedded. It's just during the lazy winter mornings or noon times mind prefer to take a stroll down the fantasy lane...down the woods where Jess and Leslie have set foots on ,have created their world of fantasies. It just the small little things we just miss out in this real world seems to fulfill out there...just every piece..just every details so happens to be at place out there. If you don't like being you in this real world you can always live it up to the maximum out there.
"I'm moving gently forward over the wild and beautiful,unexplored world below me.I'm floating in silence and breaking it up with the sound of my breath.Above me, there's nothing but shimmery light, the place where I've come from and will go back to when I am done here. I'm diving.I'm a scuba driver. I'm going deeper past the wrinkled rocks and the dark seaweed towards a deep blueness where a school of silver fish wait. As I swim through the water bubbles burst from me,wobbling like little jellyfish as they rise. I check my air.I don't have as much time Indeed to see everything but that is what makes it so special."
Some might say this world is virtue. one day you will wake up and it might be the waking up seems brutal. But take the thought why will you leave 1000 of golden moments for just 1 hard moment when by spending those 1000 moments in the real world can bore you to hell or be even more unpleasant. The door of this world is just through our minds. "Just close your eyes but keep your mind wide open". It's funny when you laugh at your memories down the memory lane how you have assumed the ancient forest as your kingdom or a long piece of slim rod as your sword of ninjas but that is the best part. It is so serene and beautiful that with our thoughts we can even make our simple moments enchanted. As for the rendition of the concept of fantasy world we can step back to our old times and can similarly visualize how Apu and Durga through the eyes of Satyajit Ray have created their world of fantasy in our minds...Although Pother Panchali and Bridge to Terbithia does not have exactly happy ending but that's the fatal truth. We don't get chance to shape our life as we desire but we always have the choice to color the every new shapes life unfolds to us. I do think everyone have crossed their own bridge to Terbithia and if you haven't cross it now. It's never too late.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
The Shoe Polisher
If you ask me why at this uncreative end of a tiring day provoked me to write an unusual piece about an unusual man then I have the faintest idea to tell you any. Do I know his name? Do I have the habit of polishing my shoe under his brushes? Sorry I can't answer good to you now also. But truth is I haven't. Still I think the reason for this post is that human do feel irritated at some positions..positions of bitter truth...and when someone repeat those irritations on you day by day it just does not remain irritation anymore. It just becomes like an long unbroken chain of guilt that you are carrying on behalf of our elite society.
There goes a saying "Don't judge a book by it's cover." But do we actually buy it? I mean fair faces or sweet/cute faces have always found their places very smartly. No matter how much we talk about our gf/bf being good at heart..tell me one thing if he is not at all good looking would you ever care to take him/her worthy as your bf/gf. The road to the hearts has its first way through the faces. So no matter what the contents are,book covers are not totally unglamorous. You may be starting to wonder by now what link/hyperlink does the topic of a shoe polisher has with that of candid peoples. Well I have been referencing all these points until now to prove the point even when you try to help some1 unfortunately the help always goes out for the nature on the type of the appeal for help.
Let me say if someone asks you if you have any wish in your mind to polish your shoes what you will be your reaction: if yes then you have made that people's day but if you say no ...what's next? The old man ,the shoe polisher in my blog just paused for a minute and then slowly requested again to allow him to polish the shoes.Now it is the time when i must mention you that the person i am referring as the poor shoe polisher has been a old man ,his face has already wrinkled enough to give him a devil's form. It is not at all a face whom you will be looking to give a merciful chance for polishing your shoes on the start of a sunny morning when you are out with some coloring hopes ,,,to set something right on your personal do some good work. Now on further rejection of any chances of polishing the shoes the doomed face of the old man grasping for breath in the hot summer days just feebily blurted out his wish..."kichu taka de be baba..sokal theke kichu khaini"(can you give me some penny? i haven't eaten since last day).
Now the answer is on you.As for me I haven't given the penny also. Am I a heartless fellow?? Sorry could not analyse myself. The reason for my acting so can not be more specific enough . I am not at all apprehensive in giving the beggar a single money for which he have not toiled for and as my mind is already colored with my college moments it has been a easy task for my repeated heartless rejections on and on. My reason for this inglorious moment to put it on blog is not all for the fact that I am feeling sorry.Personally i feel "sorry" is a more a type of escapist word because if you have done something wrong you must face it rather just avoid it by saying "sorry". I have put up this article because every time he asked me the last question my body ached, I don't know how to deal with it. I always felt like I am being cordoned to answer for the entire malfunction of the society and the guilt now resides all on me. Every time I came across this fellow he goes on asking the same questions again and again and finally expressing his solitary desire, I don't feel pity on him. I just feel I put a chain around him and strangle him to death. If we can't feed some1's why the need of facing the burden. We can't travel by the two lanes at the same times. If you are being sick of names like Khadim or Batas and you want to go out for big names like Adidas, Nike then feel free to go but please make sure these sections has rotten to death completely before doing so.
I strongly believe every heart has its good form. Even a terrorist fights for something he believes because he also thinks that the thing is so dear to him he can put his life for it. We can change things, we have the power, just the difference is in the perception. As for me after a series of rejections, now I haven't got any further chance to polish my shoes from him. He's just gone........
Sunday, August 15, 2010
The Boy in the Line
As referred by the wall clock in the room and the globally synchronized clock in my laptop it's now 11:04 A.M ,15th August. The chilling breeze outside and the sudden downpour of rain has made this holiday even more breathtakingly beautiful.....luring our mind to coil inside the blankets and take a good nap.While i am scribbling on this post my mother has now entered the kitchen arena with the thought of preparing some new dish of chicken. Till now this is the scenario of my house. If you just take your time to wander around other houses in our neighborhood the projections are more or less alike.
So the simple question lies "When we will learn to value it " ? Yes the learning time is over. It's the 64th Independence Day we're observing. We have been progressive in many fields, but we are lacking in basic fields. Just Google it. Say for a demo:" India is number 1 in test cricket superb achievement" but sorry sir I have got no electricity or the electric meters are too high for me too afford them ." Stop making excuses and just watch what a splendid knock Sachin has given to us"..sorry I have to prevent my family from the seasonal minor viruses like H1N1,malaria and so on......... Yes we have pros but they have been overshadowed so much with cons that they are hardly notable. The point is none is damn conscious about the date. Hold on, I am not going to rage your minds with my thoughts for country..with how the patriots fight relentlessly to achieve freedom.Yes, I know India has the largest population of the malnourished children still I will enjoy the chicken in my lunch just as I am enjoying the view outside my window right now. When I was a kid, it's very funny thing for me to observe that the middle aged people or the youths going out for a picnic on this date ..(.i myself have gone for a picnic 2-3 years earlier )while the oldies having nothing to do grumble at this site and at every morning at flag hoisting they make a point about it that how far the modern youth have been degraded. If you have born in India you just cannot escape the details of 2 premier things. Firstly India-Pak Cricket Match and next is how our freedom fighters achieved freedom. Millions of history book pages by several authors has been overloaded with their heroism. I mean, thanks to our education system if anyone have the privilege of being slightly educated he/she has to mug up those lines before exam. And if Indian Govt. has failed to educate you ,don't worry,political manifestos,statues,speeches are always there to enlighten you up. The point is if you're Indian you cannot escape our "saga" of freedom . We have been selling the idea of Independence to each other. We have been always taught about our past heroes flaunting their heroism but not the knowledge of how to handle the prevailing ones. The irony is in the fact that the sellable nature of this idea of independence is no more mystified towards common people. So they have stopped glorifying it and let the system be as it is. Still in the childhood memory of a boy standing in the school line with white shirts red tie and navy blue pants... tapping his eyes shut(sometimes peeping also) in the line singing national anthem on this date ...i wish everyone of you
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Getting Fuzzy!!!
Easy when it goes..the harder it gets. I think it has the perfect resemblance of today's me. Not a single thing falling in the right place, not even a little. Tried to accumulate my thoughts but they have already been wild enough to control. It is floating far and wide. Too many questions accumulate in this single mind space,too many fear,too many anxieties and when i desperately search to find the guilty, mirror reflects me back all the time. Is it destined to be? If so, then what is the answer of the puzzle. It's the strangest situation i have ever been. I will tell myself there are larger things at stake, just focus on them but for the first time in life mind is behaving just like a stupid wanderer. I can figure the solution but i can't map the solution to the problem. In case by hook or crook u have managed to pick an eye for this post i must assure that this post is not at all for petty things..things from which you can draw conclusion if you claim to know me by any chance.My problem is in short..."My Life". Sorry if you think i have the psycho mentality of being a suicide r,, sorry i am not a coward by any chance. I may not be brave enough but i always choose to fight. Its aching hard...want to give up but bingo!!!! "Journey has just begun................"
Friday, August 13, 2010
Morning Tea
I start the computer....a welcome screen appears and then it continues. Dat's the main point...morning tea is also the starting point of tea lovers lyk us. If I trace back to my clge mornings..a proper morning rarely happened while most morning we went for tea is bcz we had been awake all night sometymes due to inevitable condition like macchars/exams or in some occasions for displaying my insomniac attitude . But sip in dat morning tea is not something which i can even compare to that of home. Dat tea is life saving. When the hot steam just oozes out from the heated earth piece u are holding and makes your weary eye to sharpen a bit...then your evey sip becomes magical. Again my clge as it is located at a remote area morning there is truly spectacular. I wud love to share the stills of those mornings but currently i hav lost dem.Well here comes the hot tea comes again..welcome for it and sayonara .
Weird tymes
Sometimes we r all so hooked up in our own world we pay no heed to our surroundings..i.e the real truth...We dont pay heed 2 the cumulative environmental hazards we r causing..we dont even care to notice the lill things we can do to make our day even good..just for a demo ..when travelling inside a bus/train how many smiling/friendly faces do we see? No or very little. I am not expecting a people in pain to give a smiling gesture but some normal friendly looks from normal passengers. But everytym we are so digressed within ourselves we hardly have time to socialize. Orkut/Facebook/Twitter is not for socializing..the best you can to do it is vent your flng down it but by socializing without social networking sites is a more happening thing to take place . Better watch the "Anand" film for further help :D .Now have to go back. Java books are waiting for my viewing pleasure.
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