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Monday, December 3, 2012

Being Woman

There is a difference. There is a sharp line of demarcation between a woman and a girl. And to say it in a line is a girl lives for herself, a woman live for others.  And the step that marks the beginning of a joruney of girl from being just a girl to a woman is her marriage.

Just a thought, can we boys for even a single time can think of leaving our own house, our identity, changing our name. It's like when a girl goes to marry someone, she leaves behind her all relations which she treasured since her birth and now all of a sudden she has to let it go . Why? Because she has to make some other relations. She has to change the priority list. Everything's changed. In Short, a New Life in a literal sense.

It's hard. Isn't it? Even if she is opting for a love marriage, how can she leave all her parent, brothers , her own home aside for the one she loves. Till date she has loved him only for what they are together, not at the cost of her own family relations, home and her surroundings.

It hurts. Not only to her. But also to those relations which she is leaving behind. It hurts to that extent that you will feel something is terribly wrong. That this whole point of marriage and going to others house is bullshit. But how could I have such a caring mother if she hadn't left her house after marriage.

That's Sacrifice. That is the first thing that makes a girl a complete woman. It's her sacrifice that makes her so strong that she will be successful in making new relations, in becoming a wife, in becoming someone's mother.

Some realizations. If you are a man , do respect a woman, Respect her for she has been up to all her life. Respect her because we can't have that strength to make such a sacrifice. And if she is a girl, love her and protect her so much so that no one including you can spoil her days. Because her days as a girl is limited as compared to that of a woman. Fill her days with so much happiness and strength that even if it hurts to let her go, you are so much sure that she will treasure these relations forever in her heart.

Just from a brother's point of view whose sister is going to get married soon.

Being Woman is Not That Easy.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

GOD...For Me.

 There a basically 2 things if u see in life..the life itself and what u want ur life to be. The first glues to you and the latter leaves you every time reminding you that stick to the first because what has to come will eventually come and nothing can stop it from happening.  Not even God!!! So why do we trust in God? What is the necessity of God in our lives?

We need something to accept this mere fact that what has to come will come. We need something, maybe you call it a strength, wisdom, anything that u prefer, but for me that is God. He holds your hand tightly in times of storm to tell you that there is also a Sun he created for us. Now it's up to us to have our patience in him to see the Sun .

Live happily. Love freely. If you are hurt, get close to the ones who love you more than you do to yourself. Believe in Yourself. Believe in Goodness. That's God. Not just a statue, but a symbol of everyone's wishes and their guide to Peace.